100% of your donation will go to meet the needs of those serving as field ambassadors
Abba’s Ambassadors is one of the rare organizations that makes sure that 100% of your donation will go to meet the needs of those serving as field ambassadors and the needs of the people that the field ambassadors are serving. Any expenses connected with the operation of Abba’s Ambassadors are covered either by investment income or from the gifts of Board members. Abba’s Ambassadors is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Please note that any undesignated donations, or donations designated to a person or ministry that Abba’s Ambassadors does not team with, will be used to help the field ambassadors with the greatest needs.
Please make your check out to Abba’s Ambassadors. If you want to designate it to a particular group, write their name or ministry on the memo line of your check. Please include your e-mail address so that we can send you a receipt.
Mail To:
Abba’s Ambassadors
P.O. Box #394
Ridgefield, CT 06877
We have set up a PayPal account to allow people to donate money using a credit card. PayPal charges a fee for processing these donations. In order for our field ambassadors to receive 100% of all donations, the PayPal fee will be covered by Abba’s Ambassadors.
If you would like your donation to go to a particular person or ministry, please indicate in the special instruction area before you submit your donation.
To set up an automatic bank deposit, have your financial institution send a check (monthly or one time) made out to Abba’s Ambassadors. This is usually pretty easy to do through the online bill pay system of your bank. The bank also needs to indicate somewhere on the check who it is designated for. This can be done on the memo line or on the account line. The address of Abba’s Ambassadors is
P.O. Box #394,
Ridgefield, CT 06877.
If you need a phone number, please use (888) 287-4637, which is the Bank of America branch that we bank out of.
We will deposit the check in our bank and email you a receipt (please email us your email address) for the gift each month and also send a letter at year-end that you can use for tax purposes.
Copyright 2023 Abba’s Ambassadors. All right reserved.